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Just wanted to thank you for the post. It is definitely an area that's not discussed enough and telling women to "rest" doesn't quite cut it. Keep up the good work.


Have to agree exhaustion was one of major side effects. Even getting up to go the BR was exhausting.
After 12 years of being Breast Cancer Free I still find myself exchausted at times.

Also wonder if it had anything to with my Libido taking a extended leave of absence


I would absolutely agree with this. I have yet to meet someone with cancer who doesn't mention this before anything else. Thank you for writing about it.


I haven't had chemo in over two years. I just got a clean checkup at 27 mos in remission post stem cell transplant and there are days that I will sleep all day and all night. There is almost no waking me.

I have never met a doctor (and I've seen tons) that really has any good advice for fighting fatigue. My only advice that seems to work for me is to listen to my body. If I'm tired, I sleep. I know it's not always feasible, as I have an 8 year old daughter, but I must do it. Otherwise I get too run down immune-wise.

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The Story Begins

About My Cancer

  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
    My form of breast cancer is less common than others. In fact only about 6 to 8% of cases of breast cancer are the invasive form that is based in the lobules, not in the milk ducts.

    Invasive, sometimes called Infiltrating, is a scary word. In most cases this form of breast cancer has been present for 8–10 years when detected by a mammogram or physical exam.

    In my case there was clearly an area that felt thickened or dense on December 6, 2007. A mammogram the next afternoon was not able to detect it but it clearly appeared on ultrasound and was confirmed by multiple biopsies the same day.

    During those 8 to 10 years the cancer took to become apparent to me, there has been plenty of opportunity for those invasive cells to get out of the breast and spread to the rest of the body.

    It is after all, by definition, an invasive form of cancer.

    Each year about 190 thousand women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in the US and about 40 thousand women will die of the disease. The larger the mass is when discovered the more risk. Mine had tentacled almost 5cm into the surrounding tissue and two other areas in the breast were discovered as well.

    My chances of living another 10 years without cancer in another area are about 40%. The likelihood of one of my other underlying health conditions doing the job before that is 20%. it took a few months to get used to that idea.

    Now though my attitude is that at least I know what I'm facing. It's just not what I expected. Life changes in an instant.

Funding Cancer Research

  • We Will Not Apeas Cancer

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