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You know we've got your back.

....and your front too!


Bruce Curley


I ran across your story on Scobalizer and wanted to pass on a resource: www.icare.org.

Their full name is the International Cancer Alliance for Research and Education at Johns Hopkins. They seek to unite the cancer patient, doctor, and research to create the best results.

I sent Robert an email asking him to mention ICARE in his blog. They have limited funds, and a company has approached W. David Hankins, Chairman of ICARE with an expensive proposal to drive their name to the top of search engines when people search for "breast cancer." I believe one listing in Robert's blog will yield better results.

You have a sense of humor like my mother used to have and I've enjoyed reading your blog.

Bruce Curley


Here is a link to the ICARE Cancer Therapy Review (CTR) Program. They will send you a personal CTR with a dexription of the disease, staging procedures, explanations of current traqtments and dignostic tests, and a list of ongoing clinical traials, second opinion centers and more. You have already covered much of this, but some of the last section may still be of use.

Here are some scientfic video websites that have excellent animation videos about cancer that you may find useful to understand what is going on:


I am a poet and make my living as a senior technical writer in the biotech field. I find such animations very useful for figuring out complex biological realities.


All wishes for a quick operation and recovery, and no hassles afterwards.

Some of Second Life has your back too!

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The Story Begins

About My Cancer

  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
    My form of breast cancer is less common than others. In fact only about 6 to 8% of cases of breast cancer are the invasive form that is based in the lobules, not in the milk ducts.

    Invasive, sometimes called Infiltrating, is a scary word. In most cases this form of breast cancer has been present for 8–10 years when detected by a mammogram or physical exam.

    In my case there was clearly an area that felt thickened or dense on December 6, 2007. A mammogram the next afternoon was not able to detect it but it clearly appeared on ultrasound and was confirmed by multiple biopsies the same day.

    During those 8 to 10 years the cancer took to become apparent to me, there has been plenty of opportunity for those invasive cells to get out of the breast and spread to the rest of the body.

    It is after all, by definition, an invasive form of cancer.

    Each year about 190 thousand women are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in the US and about 40 thousand women will die of the disease. The larger the mass is when discovered the more risk. Mine had tentacled almost 5cm into the surrounding tissue and two other areas in the breast were discovered as well.

    My chances of living another 10 years without cancer in another area are about 40%. The likelihood of one of my other underlying health conditions doing the job before that is 20%. it took a few months to get used to that idea.

    Now though my attitude is that at least I know what I'm facing. It's just not what I expected. Life changes in an instant.

Funding Cancer Research

  • We Will Not Apeas Cancer

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