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I'm proud to count you a member of my circle of friends..I'm along for the ride, the long haul not just the short version.


Queen of Spain

First, might I congratulate you on being such an overachiever? And not just making that great milk back in the day, but really digging into this education with gusto!

Not only can I not WAIT to learn more, I'm looking up stuff myself. We're all going to be experts come time to celebrate your defeat of this nasty invader.


Susan, I'm so proud of you and your approach. Harnessing your energies in this way can have nothing but positive results. Bringing us along for the ride will help us to better stand along side you during this time.

Though I've only come to know you recently, I'm already an admirer and now I'd like to be a friend to you during this struggle. And as QoS said, I want to learn too right along side you.


Aliza aka Cybergrrl Oh

Susan - I'm with you and with all those who are following you every step of the way. We're on this ride for the long haul. You ain't getting rid of us, that's for sure.

Let us know what you need and when you need it, and we'll be there for you if we can't manage anything else. Like zapping the invasion. If only we could just hit the delete button in RL when we need to.

I'm here. I'm on board. And I count myself lucky to count you as a friend.

Michael Bailey


If I could trade my ability to speak for the rest of my life, to simply utter the words it would take to make this go away for you - know that I would gladly do just that.

Your positive attitude and quest for knowledge will no doubt help to maintain your strength though the tough times ahead.

Never think twice about asking me for anything - I'm here for you.

Mike Gunderloy

Count me in the support network. What good would a social network be if it fell apart when something tough happened?


Hey, there you...
It is so good to hear what is going on and know that things are progressing in a good fashion for such a bad thing.
Love to you,

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