How do we communicate with each other in 2007 and beyond? How does that make a difference in how we think about the world, and our lives, and each other? How does the 3-D web play a part? Big brains are thinking about this so I don't have to do it all.
In fact when Henrik Bennetsen of Stanford talks about *Jamais Cascio, one the authors of the Metaverse Roadmap, he uses phrases like "intersection of emerging technologies and cultural transformation" and "long-term, systemic thinking."
Then I start to get dizzy.
OK so both these guys are brilliant. The benefit to us is that Cascio will be sharing some of his thoughts on this in a talk at which the rest of us get to ask questions.
His topic: The Metaverse -- what does it include, where is it going, and how will it change our lives?
Based on research for the Metaverse Roadmap Overview, he'll include technology along with the social, cultural and economic impacts it could have.
Oh, and did I mention that this little soiree is being held concurrently at Stanford and in Second Life?
Bingo. The talk about the Metaverse and what it includes is being beamed into the metaverse, hosted by the Stanford Humanities Lab
Metaverse Meetup #2: Thursday, November 29, 2007
from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm pacific (9 Eastern)
at Wallenberg Hall at Stanford University andat Spaceport Bravo in Second Life
Transport Link to Second Life Location:
Think about it. A brave new world where you can socialize, theorize, benefit from others' thinking, network, all from your bedroom wearing jammies. Come join us for what Henrik promises will be "nice and geeky" - and that's only the conversation afterwards.
He'll be at Stanford with the CA geeks, I'll be in Second Life with the other geeks. We'll all be hoping we don't have glitches and I'll be glad I'm not responsible for anything but encouraging you to attend.
*Jamais Cascio is a research affiliate at the Institute for the Future, the Director of Impacts Analysis for The Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, and a founding fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. In March, 2006, he started .
Henrik Bennetsen is research Director at Stanford Humanities lab. His dissertation was on Creativity and Community, focused on Second Life.