Weekends are a slow time for many blog readers, and writers. We've got more interesting things to do. We need to take the recycling off to wherever or haul all our stuff out to the garage for a sale.
The lucky ones get to wrench their back while wrestling sails, or fish, or three year olds. My spouse got to go help my daughter's family with a basement flood when he could have been fighting the lines at Costco .
Ah the good times, away from the stresses of the work week. It help explain why the dance party videos here are popular. Clearly this means they should be a regular feature
After all - this works for everybody.
1.) I get to do fun stuff like adding heads into the jib-jab videos and making up stories to go with them.
2.) I get blog traffic even on weekends. People come and find other things they like too.
3.) Visitors discover my genius insights and penchant for marketing that doesn't look like marketing and I get a gig doing the same for them.
4.) You goof-offs get a reason to laugh. You anticipate become the next star, ensuing blog link love, and even new twitter followers.
5.) You tweet about other dancers. You mention it on your blogs. People link to you, to the dance party, to me - and we're all linked in a happy kumbaya of frenzied feet and entranced eyes
6.) Sitting in front of your computers waiting for the next couple to emerge onto the floor keeps you off the streets on weekends,
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