Each week cat lovers look forward to The Carnival of the Cats - and I'm one of them. But Carnivals can be "about" more than just cats.
Are you staring at the screen? After all, you know that carnivals are traveling events featuring rides and bearded ladies and such, right?
But I'm talking about Blog Carnivals; traveling cyberspace events featuring blog entries that fit a theme of the "carnival" - be that bearded ladies or whatever.
The subject of The Carnival of the Cats is - duh - cats. See the blog of the Conservative Cat
Submitting a blog entry to a Carnival makes it more likely that your piece - thus your blog - will be seen by new readers.
That means and that your writing, wit, slant, services, savvy insights - or for artists talents & body of work (for sale or otherwise) - will catch the eye of someone who could be beneficial to you.
And of
course there's the added bonus of reading the weird topics of the
carnivals like Cockroaches and Lingerie.
No, I swear. I kid you not. Be
afraid. Be very afraid. But back to the carnivals thing - the Get Known Now blog is now talking about Carnivals, so you know this idea's got legs. (Just like cockroaches, right?)
To check it out stop by the Cat's place where a list of upcoming carnival due dates
along with a submission form perches. He's also got a fair sized list
of Carnivals and links to their guidelines if you click on the text at
the bottom of the page: Click here to see a comprehensive table of all the carnivals.